Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stocking the Pantry via Deanna

I have been a fan of Our Plain and Simple Life for quite some time. Deanna does alot of stuff that I do, but does even more things that I would like to do. Recently, she posted about a Mega Shopping trip to stock her pantry for 6 months. That is something I have wanted to do for a long time, I just have a hard time knowing where to start. I think she may have gotten the ball rolling for me. She updated with this post on That shopping trip and That plan. I am anxious to read more about this! Thanks so much Deanna!!!

Sidenote: Deanna did this 6 month pantry stocking for 11 people on $1300!!!


Deanna said...

Aw, shucks. I get far more encouragement visiting the DO-ers out there, like you, than I ever pass along. I'm just doing what I believe needs to be done. Gardening around here in this clay just kicks my backside, so like it or not, I have to plan well for shopping and farm market goodies to support us.
I'm glad you could use a little of my sharing and better yet -- it inspires you to forge ahead and keep prepping the pantry!

And I'm just tickled you stop by to read, let alone mention me to others :o)


BTMA Oil Press said...

Do you know how is corn oil produced ? The production of corn oil is a carefully orchestrated process that begins with the harvesting of corn kernels. These kernels are meticulously cleaned to remove any impurities, ensuring the highest quality product. After cleaning, the corn is ground into a coarse meal. Subsequently, a process called wet milling is employed to separate the various components of the corn. The oil-rich germ is then isolated from the other corn components and undergoes either expeller pressing or solvent extraction to yield corn oil. To refine the oil, it undergoes a series of processes including degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization, enhancing its quality and eliminating any residual impurities. The result is a clear, light-colored corn oil, coveted for its versatility in culinary applications and various industrial uses. This intricate production process guarantees the extraction of premium-quality corn oil, meeting the high standards expected in the market.