Monday, April 27, 2009

Random things

This blog seems to be either feast or famine. Today its feast!
Lately I have been outdoors alot. The weather has been so beautiful! With the Spring weather comes garage sales. I've been to quite a few already. This area has lots of community sales in the April and May. I always buy enough to dress my daughter for a year at these sales. So far, the deals have been mediocre. Seems everybody is out to make an extra buck this year and the prices are much higher than in the past. This is frustrating. Last year I spent $40-50 dollars to clothe my daughter for an entire year and I got her birthday and Christmas presents too. I don't know if I will be able to copy that this year. I am being frugal though, and not buying those high priced items. I WILL find pricing like last year!
Speaking of my daughter, she is blossoming. She is not quite 20 months old right now. Her vocabulary is increasing every day. She wants to help me so much right now. Like today, at the grocery, she was trying to put items on the conveyor belt. Then she tried to lift bags out of the cart to give to me! She has been telling me when she has soiled her diaper and wanting to sit on the toilet. However, no luck in using the toilet yet. She loves the outdoors and the dog. She would play in a pile of dirt all day if I let her! She does not care if she is black with dirt from head to toe! Sound like a true farm girl to me!

Here is a beautiful picture I tooks from the last spell of rain we had. There are two partial rainbows. The one on the left is very hard to see.

Here is another pic of just the one rainbow.

Have a good week!


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