Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting ready for spring gardening

Past several days have felt like winter is back. The few weeks preceding winters return, it was beautiful and we took advantage of it.
Got 2 tater tires started...

Moved the garden boxes and marked off an area for the corn, tomatoes and vining plants...

Started seeds indoors (sorry no pics yet), burned garden waste that couldn't be composted due to disease, pruning and just general cleaning up of the garden/herb/flower beds.
Here are some signs of spring around our farm...

Last 4 pictures from top to bottom: garlic, oregano, daffodils, hyacinth.


terri said...

what kind of plant is in that last picture? my daffodils and tulips are up and blooming. my lilies and hostas are now poking thru the dirt now as well. seedlings looking good too.

Angie said...

That last plant is a hyacinth. They smell wonderful! I've added text under the pics if anybody was wondering what was what.