Monday, August 24, 2009

A Good Monday

Today was a good day.

First of all, I received about 50# of peaches for FREE!!! I had helped my SIL with her kids a couple times last week and she paid me back with all these peaches. The plan is to can them later this week. We will keep some for fresh eating of course!

Secondly, my not-quite-2-year-old, informed me she needed to use the potty. This time she actually went!! Yay! Previously, she only wanted to sit on the potty and 99%of the time it was just for play. It only happened once today, but that is good enough for me!

Then, I got all my housework done that I wanted to do today. I usually don't hit everything on my list, so this is quite an accomplishment for me! I got my bathroom clean, 2 loads of laundry washed, hung and put away, all the meals cooked, dishes washed and all the trash gathered. I even had time to primer the door jambs of two of our outside doors.

I also put 12 jars of salsa on the shelves. I canned them over the weekend and checked the seals today. All good seals!

I even had time to blog. :)

Now it's time to bathe the little one and get her to bed. Then its time for me to rest.

Hope tomorrow is another good and industrious day!

1 comment:

Chris W said...

YAY on the peaches! We get a load from a friend every year and make jam. He has 3 trees at his place and doesn't do a think with them except mow them over or toss em to the pigs. Last year we came home with 12-5 gallon buckets full for us, my mom, and friends. STILL eating jam lol