Monday, July 12, 2010

Still waiting on a baby

I can't believe I have neglected this blog since March!! All I can say is that I haven't done much to blog about!
We are still anxiously awaiting the birth of our son. My due date was last week Wednesday. I am hoping he doesn't wait too much longer. The doctor said he will push the issue of an induced birth if he doesn't arrive by my appointment on Tuesday. We want a natural birth and don't want to feel pressured into an induction unless there is a very clear medical reason to do it. Our daughter was induced due to medical reasons, but it was not an enjoyable experience with all the IV's and monitors, etc. So I have been praying, praying and praying...
As far as the garden here, we didn't put out near as much this year. We do have 12 tomatoes, several zuchinni and pumpkin hills, 100' of potatoes, garlic, onion and herbs this year. I tried cucumbers again this year, but once again, they just don't seem to like our soil. Another blueberry plant died this year even though I was using special fertilizer for it. That leaves us with one blueberry plant. My reading tells me they need 2 for pollination. I am really reluctant to spend money on another when we have lost several now. Sigh.
We had way to much rain this spring, and we lost alot of our strawberries. I did manage to pick about 6 quarts, but the rest just turned to mush or the ants ate them up. We never had the ant problem before. Something else to research before next years crop gets ruined by them.
I have done some periodic canning since my last post. I have done some beef roast that is absolutely delicious! Canning beef was a first for me. I wish I had tried it sooner! I did some blackberry jelly, beef broth and carrots. Then I also dried the last of the onions and have about 2 quart jars full of dried onions! We still have lots and lots of home canned goods on our shelves from last years harvest. So glad we had such an abundance since I'm not gonna try to can that amount while nursing a newborn.
Even with saying that, I still didn't feel right about not growing our own food. So in April/May I stocked up on store bought goods just to be safe through the year. I will add to it come October like I usually do. I just don't feel right not having stored food. I am so glad my husband built those storage shelves in the basement!
Hopefully, the next time you see me here, I will have had my baby!


MyBulletinBoard said...

Well, I've been wondering where you were!!! Thanks for the update. We'll be praying that your little boy gets with the program real soon. . . . . . Hubby just came in to tell me we have peaches. We weren't looking for any this year. Surprise, surprise!
God bless! ~Liz

BTMA Oil Press said...

Do you know how is corn oil produced ? The production of corn oil is a carefully orchestrated process that begins with the harvesting of corn kernels. These kernels are meticulously cleaned to remove any impurities, ensuring the highest quality product. After cleaning, the corn is ground into a coarse meal. Subsequently, a process called wet milling is employed to separate the various components of the corn. The oil-rich germ is then isolated from the other corn components and undergoes either expeller pressing or solvent extraction to yield corn oil. To refine the oil, it undergoes a series of processes including degumming, neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization, enhancing its quality and eliminating any residual impurities. The result is a clear, light-colored corn oil, coveted for its versatility in culinary applications and various industrial uses. This intricate production process guarantees the extraction of premium-quality corn oil, meeting the high standards expected in the market.