Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday, July 20

Seems I've gotten in the habit of posting on Fridays. :)
Anyways, 'round here it's been busy. We have a good start on the laundry room now. Plumbing is in, most of the wiring and insulating are done and window is in.
Had my first baby shower last week and have another this Sunday. So far we are getting what we need. Thank goodness!
Have our childbirth classes tomorrow, I'm ready to get that over with. I have a feeling this baby is gonna come before September, so I'll be glad to take this class.
We actually received rain! A whole inch this week! Woohoo!!! For our corn, it's most likely too late, but for the beans there is still a slim hope that they may pull through despite the drought. We really hope some miracle happens with the crops - we just bought some acreage and the house, so please let the ground pay for itself!!
This week I have done really well with following a weekly schedule. I hope that I can keep that up. So far, I have yet to implement a Home Management Binder properly. Maybe some day I will be more organized!

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